Tuesday, June 26, 2012


What They Think
- IMDB - 7.8/10
- RottenTomatoes - 75%

What I Think
  • Pro's
- Interesting Postmodern princess tale.
- Great third act and how it tied everything together.
- Great scenic moments. It looked like someone grabbed an IMAX camera and shot Scotland on a helicopter.
- Great movie about importance on family. A first from Disney. An interesting movie about a mother daughter relationship.
  • Con's
- Slow second act.
- Not much on the table. Very small scale for a Pixar movie.
- Can get preachy at times.
- Some dialogue is awkward.
- Some awkward moments that were from the trailers.
- They follow the concept of the smart main character and everyone else incompetent.


Sunday, June 10, 2012


What They Think
- IMDB - 7.8/10 
- RottenTomatoes - 74%

What I Think
  • Pro's
- Wonderful cinematography, shot digitally and in 3D without destroying the integrity of the movie.
- Great performance from Michael Fassbender as David.
- Nice horror movie, gruesome, suspenseful, infection type horror, unpredictable horror. Also the combination of an epic science-fiction movie with the horror genre.
- Doesn't need the Alien franchise and can be a standalone movie. It's self-sufficient, unlike AvP.
- Fascinating mythology of the movie
- nice music
- We engaged in discussions after watching the movie.
  • Con's
- There are some confusing moments and questionable moments. Was that intended. There is a difference between ambiguity of science-fiction (the room with the giant head) and the confusing moments that seem like plot holes (David's motives).


Sunday, June 3, 2012

Moonrise Kingdom

What They Think
- IMDB - 8.2/10
- Rotten Tomatoes - 95%

What I Think
  •  Pro's
- Has everything that defines Wes Anderson
- The movie takes place in a quirky environment that's fun to enjoy.
- Humorous and dark at some point.
- 90 minutes. Straight to the point.
- Awesome framing, symmetrical shots, dolly shots, use of colors.
- Poignant story about kids and romance.
- Playful visuals that do not distract the storytelling.
  • Con's
- None